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Frequently asked questions

What does the appeal at St Richards mean?

St Richards has an active appeal of the Archbishop’s decree subsuming the parish into St Monica parish. From the perspective of the ‘new’ St Monica parish, this means St Richard finances and property will not be merged until the appeal is resolved. Otherwise, unification with St Richard moves forward – combining ministries, Fr Sebastian as head pastor, etc.

What is the financial situation?

The heritage St Monica parish only financials were distributed by Fr Sebastian this fall and show a challenging deficit. To address this, we are reducing expenses, starting a fundraising campaign, preparing the 2024-2025 school budget, and have already seen a significant uptick in the offertory. We are not using St John Bosco or St Richard surplus or assets to resolve this. The goal is to have the heritage St Monica budget balanced before merging finances with other heritage parishes.

St John Bosco and St Richard financials are in a sufficient state at this time, however both churches’ offertories are down.

St John Bosco’s finances are planned to combined with St Monica on Jan 1. St Richard finances will remain separate until the appeal is resolved.

What is happening to Mass schedules?

The weekend Mass schedule is expected to remain until Easter. Expect a reduced schedule after that. The weekday Mass schedule is being re-evaluated with Fr Weber’s retirement.

What will happen to the school?

St Monica is working with the Archdiocese with regards to the school. The parish is pursuing the path of justification to keep the school open with the Archdiocese. (All parish schools were given the option to either justify to close their school, or justify to keep their school open.)

Activities and Schedule

Town Hall Meetings:

St Monica | 10/26/2023 at 7pm (complete)

St John Bosco | 11/9/2023 at 7pm (complete)

St Richard | 11/16/2023 at 7pm


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